In a groundbreaking development, a Swiss startup, FinalSpark, has introduced a bio-computer built using human brain cells. These bio-computers leverage living brain organoids, which are small, organ-like structures derived from human stem cells. Unlike traditional processors, these bio-processors offer a massive leap in energy efficiency, potentially being up to a million times more efficient than conventional processors. This innovation could revolutionize data centers and supercomputers, drastically reducing their energy consumption and environmental impact.
The Mechanics of Bio-Computers
The bio-computer created by FinalSpark comprises 16 brain organoids, each connected to multiple electrodes that both stimulate and record the activity of the brain cells. These organoids, suspended in a nutrient solution, can live and function for up to three months. The system mimics the neural activities of a human brain, allowing it to learn and process information in ways traditional silicon-based processors cannot. While still in the early stages of development, the potential of bio-computers is immense, offering a glimpse into a future where biological and digital technologies converge.
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